Love Your Neighbor Ministries

Healthcare Outreach

An outreach of compassion to people facing health-related needs and long-term care.


Amazing Grace how sweet the sound! A woman in the nursing home was unable to speak. She couldn't move. Trapped in a comatose state, her eyes had remained closed for a very long time. Maybe they would never open again. Perhaps she would die without ever having known the Savior.   One of our Chaplains, accompanied by his son, happened to be visiting an elderly resident in the same room as the comatose woman. The resident requested that the boy sing her favorite song, "Amazing Grace." While the child politely agreed, there were many other places he would rather have been than in this dreary institution.   But in obedience to the Lord and to his father, he began to sing. Now, as the words of the hymn left his lips, something miraculous occurred: Suddenly the comatose woman opened her eyes; she sat up; then she began to sing along with the child. Astonished, the Chaplain responded by sharing the Gospel with her. The angels surely rejoiced as she received Jesus Christ as Savior. Not long after the father and child departed, the woman slipped back into her coma and died. Through the obedience of a reluctant child, the Lord orchestrated this Divine Appointment and snatched this precious soul from the jaws of Hell. What An Awesome Testimony! We are so privileged to be able to see the Creator of the universe reach down and meet people right where they are. There is no greater joy nor reward than to partner with God according to His plan and purpose. All He requires is a willing vessel.

II Chronicles 16:9 (KJV) "... the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him ..."

A Bible Study  Another L.Y.N.M. Chaplain was holding a regular Bible study at an Alzheimer's care center. This was a daunting task due to the diminished mental ability of the residents. Most were unable to comprehend what was happening to them. The Chaplain would hold their hands and speak gentle words of comfort, listening intently as they struggled to convey fragments of memories. She would speak to them of the love of Jesus. And she would pray.   One woman resident would rarely interact with our Chaplain. Even in her illness she displayed a formal sense of reserve. But one day this woman was walking the halls, weeping uncontrollably, repeatedly placing her hand over her heart. "What is it? Are you in pain?" the Chaplain asked. "No" said the Alzheimer's patient with great sadness, "but something is missing from my heart." For a moment the Lord was pushing back the fog of confusion and opening a window of clarity. The Chaplain explained that was Jesus her heart was longing for and walked her through the Plan of Salvation.   The woman accepted Jesus as Savior, asking Him into her heart. A genuine peace came over her. Her face softened and the tension left her body. The window of intellectual clarity closed again but her guarantee of eternal life remains. These "11th hour conversions" are examples of how L.Y.N.M. Chaplains and volunteers are used by the Lord to "build a bridge" to those who soon will face either everlasting life-or death. This is the Great commission. (Matt. 28:18-20) Our treatment of "the least of these" is also our treatment of Him. (Matt. 25:40) A visit, a prayer, a simple expression of love and concern can mean so much to someone trapped in a bed or imprisoned by age or illness.   We count it a great privilege to bring Christ's compassion to those in health crisis and long-term care. It is our fervent prayer that our Lord will continue to use the outreach of Love Your Neighbor Ministries as a bridge between the Body of Christ and this mission field. We believe that L.Y.N.M. is called to assist local churches in bringing the living water (John 7:38) to those in this parched spiritual desert. Could God be calling you? We would be honored to speak with you, your pastor or anyone who has a heart for these hurting men and women.

Romans 10:9 (KJV) "... if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."

Luke 10:2 (KJV) "... the harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few..."